Tag Archives: corn maze

Stittville Corn Maze

My three day canoe trip to Big Bay-Piseco Lake-Fall Stream-Fall Lake-Sacandaga Lake-Lake Pleasant was canceled due to rain and low temperatures.

Saturday Eric had a noon time soccer game in cool temperatures (low 40s) with wind and rain.  The kids were chilled, even when playing.  They scored a 5-0 win vs Oneida.  Afterwards Trevor came over to play with Eric and spend an overnight.

I cleaned out the hog wire supports that I used for peas and tomatoes.  I picked 6-8 acorn squash and left another 5-6 for later harvesting.

We invited Skip and Steve for dinner and all played pitch afterwards.  While Trevor had played on teams before, Eric had only played with Kathryn and I.  Other than a couple of overly aggressive bids Eric did fine.

Sunday afternoon we tackled the Stittville Corn Maze which this year featured the USA Flag with the Statute of Liberty and an eagle superimposed.  The goal was to find three mailboxes; each one contained a portion of the overall map.

Trevor, Eric and Kathryn prepare to enter the maze.

Trevor and Eric would run down the intersections as advance scouts and return with valuable information about intersections and dead ends.

Jim kept track of the group’s location on an overall map.


Trevor and Eric display the three map sections they discovered.

Remsen Corn Maze

Sunday Kathryn and I took Eric and Trevor to the Remsen Corn Maze. Trevor was a little anxious that the corn maze would be scary, but once in the maze his concerns were largely forgotten.

There were four posts with colored magic markers that we had to find. At each post we would mark the map to indicate where we thought we were on the map. Eric and Trevor were responsible for running down the dead ends to determine if there was a post hidden down there.

We found all four posts as well as a couple of uncharted paths that threw us for a loop. The boys won a post card picture of the corn maze for their efforts.