Our beautiful Scout died. There was never a more devoted companion, gentle, affectionate disposition and sweetheart of a dog. Such a big empty space in our lives right now.
The first week we had her we couldn’t come up with an appropriate name. But then we saw the little girl play the role of “Scout” in To Kill A Mocking Bird. That’s how she got her name.
Turns out she had a tumor on her spleen which caused her body not to produce hemoglobin which meant her body was not being oxygenated which meant her breathing got labored. Even though she was eating and drinking, still was affectionate and sweet, the vet said she probably was feeling a bit like she was suffocating. We couldn’t let it go on so had to make “the decision.”
We expected to miss the companionship, affection and enthusiasm. We are surprised to miss: clambering over a big lump of sleeping dog every time Kathryn got in and out of bed or off the couch; having shoes strewn throughout the house and not being able to find a matching pair; having the bathroom door flung open to join the occupant; feeling urgency to get home because she’s been left in the mud room for hours.