Tag Archives: horse

Show Ribbons

This past weekend we cleared out the upstairs rec room and moved Eric’s air hockey game from the basement to the rec room. Kathryn cleared out a lot of stuff from her Dad’s house and work related files.

I bid good bye to my championship show ribbons. When I got rid of the horses and cleaned out all the show ribbons I save those ribbons that we received for Championships or Reserve Championships from shows at Barneveld Horsemen’s Association, Harmony Acres, Booneville Fair, Fonda Fair and NYS Fair. Most of the Championships were for day end point totals; either total points or as Senior Western. There was a NYS Horse Council award, a large purple ribbon from winning a day point total at Booneville Fair. I believe the Booneville Fair award was based on the horse and included a costume class. I think Gayle Farr rode Tom in the Ladies Western Pleasure class to help add to his point total that day.

There were a couple of year end awards from BHA.

This was an impressive collection that brought back fond memories.

Lotza Hot & The Vet Visit

On Monday I hauled my borrowed trailer to Lowville, loaded up Lotza Hot and traversed Route 26 to Vernon where she was examined by one of the better vets in NYS for issues of lameness.  I lunged her in their sandy arena, Pat did flexion tests and then we took x-rays of her front feet to examine the amount of navicular degeneration.  On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being healthy and 10 being the worst case he had seen, Pat declared her an 8 – pretty bad.  Her small feet and upright conformation coupled with usage have left her quite lame.  I hauled her back home to Lowville and reported the results to her caretaker.  Too bad because in a lot of ways she is a very nice mare.