Tag Archives: horse shows

Eric’s 1st Horse Show


Sunday Eric got invited to a horse show by his buddy Trevor. Eric had never been in a horse show – or even ridden. He was very apprehensive and told me that he was concerned because the horses were so big. He was much relieved when I told him that they all were fitted with a nice Leather halter that they were used to and would listen to him. Besides we would be doing the leadline class together, so I’d be right there with him. Ellen provided a helmet, saddle and pony, Addy. There were two leadline classes – a walk only and a 2nd class where each contestant is asked to walk away from the judge, turn and trot back to the lineup. Prior to the class Trevor said he was ready to trot. Eric and I decided we would walk only as he had never ridden before. The kids rode holding the reins in one hand and holding on the saddle horn with the other. The horses were basically guided by person leading, although the judge rewarded the kids that were trying to pilot their own steeds.

During the lineup in the 1st class the Judge asked Eric if he could back his pony up. Eric replied “No, not really”. There were 7 entries in the class and ribbons were handed out to all kids. When Eric got a ribbon (and model horse) as a prize from the 1st class he decided he wanted to try to trot as “We do good if we do what the judge says”. He lost a stirrup and bounced a lot during his trot but the judge praised him for his effort and he got rewarded with 5th place ribbon. The boys had a blast and talked to each other through out the classes. Eric is ready to go to another horse show “if Trevor invites me!”. More pictures are at: http://www.jimmuller.com/Pictures/2007_07_22HorseShow/EricHorseShow.html